FAQ 439
What accessible parking is available?

If you or a member of your party has restricted mobility, you may use a car park near to your visit day venue.

Applicant Days at Canterbury
Please check the event venue on your itinerary and then refer to the Canterbury campus map for locations of nearby car parks (shaded in grey).

Applicant Days at Medway
Please refer to the Medway campus map for the location of the Drill Hall Library car park.  Enter the Medway campus via the main entrance on Maritime Way.  Immediately bear left into Pembroke Road and continue along into North Road. Continue to the end of North Road, passing the back of the long library building on your right. Beware of the speed bumps!

Turn right into the entrance of the Drill Hall Library car park. The entrance is guarded by a barrier; to gain access you will need to press the button on the barrier and say that you are attending for a visit or interview. On entry, turn right and drive to the far end of the car park for the Pilkington Building.

We are happy to  provide more detailed directions in advance of the visit day if you contact us via KentVision or call the Applicant Days team on +44 (0)1227 824353.